Home and Membership
Welcome to the Marlborough Gardening Association, Wiltshire, UK - one of the town’s most active voluntary organisations with over 150 members.
We’re a friendly group of gardeners and horticultural enthusiasts which meets monthly for talks on garden topics at Marlborough Town Hall unless otherwise stated in our Programme of Events. We also publish a monthly newsletter and organise events and visits for members.
Our annual programme is packed with interest for active and armchair gardeners alike. Each year the Association arranges a series of talks, a lunch, a popular Plant Sale and visits to gardens and nurseries; examples of these can be seen in our Gallery section.
Members can also benefit from our new Garden Link scheme which matches up the expertise of MGA members with those wanting hands on practical help and advice, in a wide variety of topics.
New members are always welcome. To join us please complete the Membership Form or come along to a monthly meeting. The annual subscription is £ 15 per person.
Members receive the monthly newsletter, free entry to the Monthly Gardening Talks, a 10% discount on gardening sundries at T.H. White and special rates on Events and Visits.